Freitag, 28. August 2009


I feel happy when you talk to me
when you say my name
when you look at me
I get nervous
I look at you
will you ever see me?
I want to get to know you..

What is this feeling? ._.

Montag, 10. August 2009

Ohhhh I forgot the names of the two new boys in my class!
I'm a bad classmate "x3

Sonntag, 9. August 2009

Cakes, cookies and school

School.. Tomorrow! Wake up early...
Try to talk correctly, no nonsense allowed..
I already ate cake, and cookies and ice-cream and "x3
I think that MIGHT be because I'm nervous ":D
CSI something again.. If I watch it, I'm going to have nightmares again..
But since I don't think I'll sleep very good, I guess I can watch it "x3
I don't know why I am so nervous.. I'm very lazy, I don't want to study..
Well, not everything I have to study at school.. ><
But I'll meet some friends again, that I haven't seen for some time, so there are good parts, too :D
I wish I had a school uniform.. Life would be that much easier!

Donnerstag, 6. August 2009

Oh, I write again! ":3
I shouldn't write so often, but if I don't write than I'll have everything in my head and it will start to hurt "x_x, so I better keep writing!
I wrote some things for school!:D
Now I'm going to bake the cake for my family~
It's going to be a walnut chocolate cake ^//^
I'll listen to music (I hope the neighbours won't hear me sing"¦3

Ediiiit x3

It's done *_*

I hope it does taste better as it looks ">//<

The sun is shining~
It's strange, that I like it "x3
I'm going to bake a cake for my family today:)
And work for school
and go out (inline skates~)

Let's enjoy the last free days :D

Mittwoch, 5. August 2009

School, Holidays and Youtube

I'm so tired.. But I don't want to go to bed!
It's only 21:57 ":3
And I'm scared.. If I go to bed there's again one day gone.
Monday school will start again, and I really don't want it too.
I'm enjoying the holidays too much!
I got time for my family and for my friends..
And I can sleep veeeery long (even if I don't sleep so well :( )
I should be working for school now..
I wanted to, really! But again.. If I'm so tired it's useless, isn't it?
I'll work tomorrow *_*
I wanted to make some makis and inigari sushi (..) with a friend, but she can't anymore,
so I've got all the day!
(I wanted to bake a cake for my family, too..)

Youtube is a lot of fun^_^
It's so much fun to sing!
I sang "Shochuu Omimai Moshiagemasu" with Miyachuuu. She has a lovely voice and can mix very well too! I'm looking forward to the first real single of "sweetKyandii" :3

Shochuu Omimai Moshiagemasu Video :3

There's Pinky Team too, and I'm worrying about Gen 2!
I hope we can sing our second single soon...

I wonder if someone will like my second solo as Pinky Team member? (Video)

I had to cancel a video from ChoCoKiSsU s account :( I'm afraid I'll have to do with others, too sooner or later? (copyright..)
I miss to sing with Eri-Chan!

Even if I can't really sing, people are so nice to me, that makes me really happy! ^//^


Me starting a blog? In English?
I must be really stupid "x3
It must be that I feel like writing..?

It can be seen as school-practise, ne?

Or not?

Though I'm still Youtube's "MitsukiUsagi" I'd like to use the name "Hotaru" here.. :3
I really like it. Brings back memories...